Over time we will endeavour to build out this site to further drive inclusivity and equity in the mortgage industry and tap into the talent in younger generations. It will not happen overnight, nor will all our ideas be perfect. However, we come together with a shared objective to make a difference and work in partnership celebrating our commonality and respecting our differences.

This is our story.

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The Association of Mortgage Intermediaries is the representative body for the mortgage and protection advice profession. Through corporate membership, over 80% of all brokers belong to AMI, from the largest networks through to sole practitioners. Find out more about AMI

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IMLA works with and on behalf of mainstream and specialist intermediary-facing mortgage lenders to foster greater understanding between lenders and brokers, influence government and regulatory policy and share knowledge and expertise for the betterment of our industry. Find out more about IMLA

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Talented individuals from across the industry have generously donated their time and experience to help us bring you this website. From industry insight, career case studies, personal experience, guides and resources and much more, we extend our thanks to each and every one.

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The Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter (MIMHC) aims to provide guidance, hints, tips and a simple framework so member companies can embrace then tailor bespoke services which best support their staff. MIMHC is a not for profit organisation that is made up of 7 co-founding firms plus a growing number of signatories. All these firms agree to be bound by the MIMHC 6 governing rules which apply Best Practice Health and Wellbeing guidelines and are known as “The MIMHC Charter”.

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The Association of Mortgage Intermediaries (AMI) in conjunction with Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association (IMLA) and Diversity and Inclusion Finance Forum have launched a new cross industry mentoring programme. 

The primary objective of the program is to support people across the mortgage and protection advice industry to enhance their skills and their career potential. It is open to all individuals working within lenders, insurers and the intermediary sector.