How employee wellbeing programmes can strengthen your business
Find out how investing in employee wellbeing at work can strengthen both workplace culture and commercial success, in this blog post from Accord Mortgages…
Wellbeing at work is an increasingly important topic as awareness of issues like the need for flexible working arrangements and mental health support grows. This page draws together an assortment of resources to demonstrate how employers and staff can work together to promote wellbeing in the workplace. We will add to this over time, as we gather more examples of best practice from across the sector.
In recent times mental health has become a major concern for many and research shows a deteriorating picture, particularly in the Mortgage Industry.
The Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter (MIMHC) therefore aims to provide guidance, hints, tips and a simple framework so member companies can embrace then tailor bespoke services which best support their staff. MIMHC is a not for profit organisation that is made up of 7 co-founding firms plus a growing number of signatories. All these firms agree to be bound by the MIMHC 6 governing rules which apply Best Practice Health and Wellbeing guidelines and are known as “The MIMHC Charter”.Find out how investing in employee wellbeing at work can strengthen both workplace culture and commercial success, in this blog post from Accord Mortgages…
Encouraging conversations around mental health and understanding how we can help to reduce stigma – from an Aldermore webinar…
The MIMHC aims to provide guidance so companies who become signatories can embrace then tailor bespoke services which best support their staff…
Manager’s guidance and template for taking notes during a flexible work meeting, along with template letters for invitation and outcome…
How to support your mental health when working from home, brought to you by the mental health charity organisation Mind…
A booklet produced by NBS in collaboration with MHFA England, for guidance on mental health issues and the support available…
Guidance on preparing for a conversation on absence and wellbeing, tips during the conversation and what to do after the conversation…
Understand the health matters, their impact on the employer and how to proactively work together for the best support…
Guidance on preparing for a mental health conversation including tips on encouraging colleagues to talk, developing a plan & further support…